How Much Will you Save if you start driving an ELECTRIC CAR?


The calculations have been performed assuming that both EV and petrol cars travel 60 km per day considering travel time equal six days a week. Here is the calculation for EVs


Electricity usage per Km (approx) = 0.12 unit

Electricity consumed per day = 0.12*60 = 7.2 units.

Cost of one unit of electricity = INR 5.35 (Approx.)

The total cost of electricity used per day in an electric vehicle = 5.35*7.2 = INR 38.52

Monthly cost of consumption = 38.52*24 = INR 924.28

Here is the calculation for Petrol Cars:


Cost per km (approx.)= INR 5.1

Total cost of petrol used per day = 5.1 * 60 = 306

Monthly cost of consumption = 306*24 =INR 7344

The calculation showed above clearly established that using an electric vehicle is a more cost-efficient alternative considering the price of petrol.
